Therapeutic Horticulture

Therapeutic horticulture uses plants and nature-related activities to improve the well-being of participants. By interacting with nature, participants can improve their motor skills, stimulate their memory, and encourage positive social interactions with nature. Therapeutic horticulture is particularly effective in engaging the elderly, people with dementia, and people with special needs.
Nature Kakis Chapters can learn how to conduct therapeutic horticulture activities, bring communities to therapeutic gardens, and even incorporate therapeutic garden elements closer to home to bring these benefits to their communities.
Therapeutic Horticulture Activities
Simple activities like propagating plants, leaf printing, and making seed mandalas are easy activities for communities to do together, with materials that can be easily grown and harvested from a nearby Community Garden. Nature Kakis can learn how to conduct these activities and bring the benefits of therapeutic horticulture to their communities.

Therapeutic Gardens
In addition to the activities, Nature Kakis could go for a Nature Walk in a Therapeutic Garden located in a public park. These gardens are specially designed to be serene and tranquil, serving as a common space for people to interact with nature in a positive way. Many of these gardens feature activity zones where Nature Kakis Chapters can conduct therapeutic horticulture activities.

If Nature Kakis Chapters are keen on bringing the gardens closer to home, they can integrate Therapeutic Design concepts in their Community Gardens or as part of a Nature In Neighbourhood project.
Want to read more about the other types of City in Nature activities you can participate or co-organise? Click here to go to overview page.